1 intro
Track 2 ambienti
Track 3 bubble
Track 4 Interject
Track 5 seconda percezione
Track 6 sweetspasm
Track 7 prima percezione
Track 8 strati
Track 9 fast
Conceived and Composed by
Mirio Cosottini:
trumpet and piano
This entire work was realized in my studio utilizing
midi files of traditional rhythms from various world
regions to create an audio database that would allow
me to easily resample. I later used Pro Tools software
to process and edit to obtain the results you will
hear in these tracks.
In this project, cyclicity and rhythm are particularly
revealing as formal elements of tribal music. Inspired
by its many forms, I have linked its inherent rituality
to the modern world in which the “the new tribal
individual” lives and creates within an entirely
virtual environment. Each rhythmic pattern constitutes
a single composite element, sliced and then immersed
within the environment to later intersect with others.
Extreme exploitation of technology is the means used
by “the new tribal individual” to create
excessive environments that lash out, upset, excite
and inebriate.