We do believe that the world of music is the net of
individuals speaking and living music.
Too many obstacles exist to the inter-knowledge of
many of the music of the planet.
We do need a wider music inter-language.
We are creating a symbolic
system where music artworks can circle around,
payed back with quotations
and references and links.
An incomparable linguistic
An open music approach is not only a communication
choice; it's a wish of quality of the music environment.
Music makes music, and variation processes, transfigurations,
de-contextualizations of pre-existed music portions
or whole pieces, are ELEMENTARY ACTIONS for the expansion
of music language. This was true in Bach, Mozart
or Mahler...
Not for profit materials are available on this website:
for any other purpose please contact us.
Cite Timet when you’ll
re-apply our work.